If you think you are the victim of workplace bullying you can feel as though you are isolated and alone, having to sort out all the problems yourself. You may feel you've done something to deserve the actions, or that perhaps it is just their management style and you're with someone who is a strong leader, and all you need to do is pull your socks up and live with it.
However if you're feeling panicked, or worried before you go into work, or you feel a surge of adrenaline every time you need to talk to the person the behaviour is stemming from, then you are most likely being bullied and need to address it before it affects your work, your health, and the overall well being of not only you, but everyone you come into contact with. When your life is negatively impacted it begins a ripple effect. You may find that others in your company are also being treated a similar way by the same manager or boss, and it's endemic at work.
It's really important to collect and collate all the information of any incidents, from recollections of what has happened to copies of emails and any written notes. Most bullies are very good at hiding evidence and not making anything too overt, which often adds to the problem as you feel you can't pin down exactly what is going on. Writing down events helps build a case should you need to go to mediation, or even court.
It's a good idea to read up on why people do bully. Learning to read those behaviours and why people do it helps you to become more attuned to what is going on and how to best manage it. Some people are more likely to be targets than others. If you've got abuse or hurt in your background you can often be more of an easy target and also often less likely to report it. Education helps you start to stand your ground a little more confidently.
Most companies have policies on how to best deal with workplace bullying including who to contact and how to report it. It's a good idea to ask to see the cope of this policy, especially if the person you directly report to is the person causing the problem. Once you have a plan of action you'll be ready to face your bully and do something to solve the problem.
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